About Us

Since April 24, 2008, Casa del Jaguar has been dedicated to supporting the native communities of the Peruvian rainforest. Our work focuses on empowering these communities, preserving their traditions, and promoting a sustainable future.

Our History

Founded with the vision of being guardians of nature and culture, Casa del Jaguar was born out of the urgent need to protect the ancestral territories and knowledge of the native communities of the Peruvian Amazon. With over a decade of dedication and effort, we have established a strong bond with these communities, working hand in hand to improve their living conditions.

What We Do

  • Handicrafts: We help communities sell their beautiful handicrafts, generating direct income that improves their living conditions and strengthens their local economy. Each piece of handicraft is a living testament to their rich culture and traditional skills.
  • Community Tourism: We facilitate visits to native communities, offering tourists a unique and immersive experience in the Peruvian Amazon. These visits not only generate income for the communities but also promote invaluable cultural exchange and a greater understanding and respect for their traditions.

Our Impact

Over the years, we have seen how our initiatives have had a positive impact on native communities. Sustainable tourism and the sale of handicrafts not only provide income but also strengthen cultural pride and the autonomy of these communities. Our work has helped protect ancestral knowledge and conserve the vital ecosystems of the Amazon.

Our Commitment

We are committed to continuing this vital work, adapting, and growing alongside the communities we serve. We firmly believe that by working together, we can create a future where native communities thrive in harmony with their natural environment.

Join Us

We invite you to be part of this mission. Whether by supporting through donations, volunteering, purchasing handicrafts, or visiting the communities, every gesture of support counts. Together, we can make a significant and lasting difference.
